Alpine Lake Trek, Kashmir - Trekking Tours in India

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Alpine Lake Trek, Kashmir

Kashmir Alpine Lakes Trek

Season: June - November
Duration: 15 days
Highest Point: 4000 m
The undulating landscape of Kashmir offers many challenging treks. History is the witness that Kashmir has been a land of splendid natural escapes; it is a land of lush meadows, lofty snow-clad mountains, high passes and sparkling alpine lakes. Each destination has its own charm that makes Kashmir a diverse region. The Kashmir Alpine Lakes trek takes 15 days to complete. The trek in Kashmir covers Tarsar Lake, Vishansar and Krishansar Lake and Gangabal Lake. It is flagged from Srinagar and cutting and crossing through lush pastures, gushing rivers and flower-strewn meadows and mountains one accomplishes the trek of alpine lakes in Kashmir.
This 15 days trek in Kashmir begins from capital city Srinagar; however the actual trek begins from Lidderwat (3050m). Offering splendid view of lofty mountains, the trekking route of Vishansar Lake marks it beginning from Nichinai Pass. An arduous trekking route to Tarsar Lake beckons from Satlanjan, crossing the steep Kolahoi Peak one is awarded with the incredible view of Gangabal Lake and Mt. Haramukh. After one night camping in Gangabal Lake, trekkers trudge towards Krishansar Lake via Sikewas, Sonmus, Lidderwat and Nichinai. Krishansar is another beautiful lake that lies next to gorgeous VishansarLake. A night or two camps is set in the meadows of Vishansar Lake before the trekkers head out for the trek’s final destination of Gangabal Lake via Dubta Pani and Postpatri.
Day 1 : Arrive Srinagar (1585 m)
On arrival you will be met at the airport (or the Tourist Reception Centre if you travelled overland) and transferred to the houseboat/hotel for your overnight stay. There will be an afternoon Shikara ride on Dal Lake.
Day 2: Srinagar - Aru via Pahalgam (2420m). 4 hours
An early morning start is imperative as it is a long drive of 105km to Aru, a beautiful lush green pasture with the grand view of the Katrinag Mountains as a backdrop. Afternoon at leisure or a few short walks to stretch the legs for the days ahead. Overnight in tents on two person share basis.(BLD)
Day 3: Aru - Lidderwat (3050m). 3- 4 Hours. 11 km
The trail begins with a steep climb to a ride line and then undulates along the true left of the Lidder River, crossing the odd side stream. As we near camp the valley narrows; a foot bridge leading us to our campsite. (BLD)
Day 4: Lidderwat - Satlanjan (3420m). 2-3 hours
Our trek begins with an ascent to Nichinai Pass (4084m) to enjoy the spectacular mountain views. We then descend through flower strewn meadows towards Vishansar and Krishansar lakes. We cross a small stream to reach our camp at Vishansar lake, where we will stay for two nights. (BLD)
Day 5: Satlanjan - Kolahoi base camp (4140m) and - Lidderwat (3050m). 7-8 Hrs
An early morning start is imperative as we have a long day ahead of us. Our hike begins upwards and onwards as we head towards Kolahoi Base Camp, passing nomadic shepherds en-route. As we get closer to the glacier the walk becomes a little harder as the terrain becomes rough glacial moraine, but the increasingly spectacular views of the Kolahoi Peak urge us on. In order to gain the best view of Kolahoi we may have to climb a little higher on the ridge opposite. The return walk is easier and quicker as we head back to Lidderwat via Satlanjan, elated from being so close to the majestic peak.
Day 6: Lidderwat - Sikewas (3450m). 3- 4 hours.
After crossing the steam we climb gradually to Postpatri (the valley of flowers)for another spectacular view of the Karakoram mountains. When we reach the saddle at Mangandub we climb steeply towards Zagibal peak (4210m). The climb is strenuous but well worth the effort as we are rewarded with unrivalled views of the Gangabal lakes and Hurmukh peak. A long zig zag descent brings us to the stream crossing, followed by a short climb to our two night camp at Gangabal lakes. (BLD)
Day 7: Sikewas - Tarsar lake (3899m) Day excursion. 4 – 5 hours
Today is a well deserved rest day. You can enjoy a pretty walk around the lake, rainbow trout fishing or, if you have a little more energy, head up to Lul Gul pass for a breatkaing view of Nangapabath.(BLD)
Day 8: Sikewas - Sonmus (3350m) 4 – 5 hours
We start our day with a short, yet steep, ascent as we follow the Tarsar river, crossing and re-crossing it before making a final ascent to our camp at Sikewas Meadow. (BLD).
Day 9: Skewas - Sonamarg (2720m) 3 hours walk and 2 hours drive
After Breakfast we descend through dense forest, past Gujar villages and terraced rice fields, to the road head at Sumbal (2130m).After a couple of hours drive along the Sind River we arrive at Sonamarg, which locally means the ‘meadow of Gold’ for our overnight camp.(BLD)
Day 10: Sonamarg - Nichinai (3620m ) 4 -5 hours. 13 Km
A short descent through a pine forest bring us to a steel bridge over the Sindh River. From here we climb steeply to Shkoder, a great vantage point for a picturesque view of the Sindh Valley and glacier below. An undulating descent will bring us to our overnight camp at Nichinai. (BLD)
Day 11: Nichinai - Krishansar (3680m) 4-5 hours. 15 Km.
We trek to the Nichinai Pass(4141 m) enjoying the mountinous panorama, and then descend towards the lakes of Vishansar and Krishansar, passing through colourful meadows and crossing streams. We camp just below Vishansar Lake for two nights. (BLD)
Day 12: Krishansar - Dubta pani (3280m) 4- 5 hours. 16 Km
Today we begin with a steep ascent to the Gadsar Pass (how high?). The pass again offers great views of the Karakorum. A gradual descentalong the contour and past Gadsar Lake brings us to our overnight camp. Our camp is beside a pretty stream so we can reward ourselves with a swim in the beautiful cyrstal clear water. (BLD)
Day 13: Krishnasar - Gangabal Lake (3570m) 7 -8 hours. 19 Km
We climb gradually to Postpatri (the valley of flowers) and reachthe saddle at Mangandub. From here we climb steeply towards Zagibal Peak (4210m). The climb is tough but worth it for the tremendous views of the Gangabal Lakes and Hurmukh Peak. A long zig zag descent brings us to astream crossing followed by a short climb to our camp for two nights at Gangabal Lakes. (BLD)
Day 14: Gangbal Lake - Srinagar
We climb gradually to Postpatri (the valley of flowers) and reachthe saddle at Mangandub. From here we climb steeply towards Zagibal Peak (4210m). The climb is tough but worth it for the tremendous views of the Gangabal Lakes and Hurmukh Peak. A long zig zag descent brings us to astream crossing followed by a short climb to our camp for two nights at Gangabal Lakes. (BLD)
Day 15: Depart Srinagar
You will be transferred to Srinagar airport or the Tourist Reception Center for overland.
